REVISTACAF uses a double blind arbitration mode.

Neither the authors will be aware of who evaluates their work, nor will the referees know the name of the author of the article they are reviewing. Each article is evaluated by two referees. When the article is evaluated by the two arbitrators in a positive way, the author is notified and the proceedings for publication will be initiated. When the article is evaluated negatively by the two referees, the author will be notified and the article will not be published. If it is evaluated positively by one referee and negatively by another, the work will be sent to a third arbitrator to settle the matter. If there are still doubts regarding the publication of an article, the journal´s editorial board will issue a resolution in that regard, notifying the author in due time.

Estimated time for articles evaluation and publishing:

a) the range of time for evaluation process varies between 30 (minimum) and 60 (maximum) working days, as long as the author has accomplished all requested requirements at the obligatory submission process steps. If he author did not fullfill all the requeriments, he will be notified that his article cannot start editorial processes until he meets 100% of the previous demands.

b) Articles positively evaluated by referees will be published in the current issue, however, the journal's director will confirm when the article will be included in a specific issue of the journal.


  • Reviewers 2022
  • · 

  • Reviewers 2023
  • Revisores 2024

  • Publication Decisions

    The editor of the journal decides which of the articles presented will be published. The editor complies with the magazine policies and with all legal requirements regarding confidentiality, defamation, copyright and plagiarism violation. The publication of an article requires the previous approval of the referees and the editorial board.

    The articles are evaluated solely on their content, regardless of any discrimination. The referees are unaware of the identity of the authors and, likewise, the authors do not know the identity of the referees who evaluate their work.