Revista Ciencias de la Actividad Física UCM, is a biannual publication of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile. Its objective is to contribute to the knowledge generated by scientific research. It prioritizes original articles so that they can be used as references in university classrooms and specialized laboratories for the development of Physical Activity Sciences, "the scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, the following subcategories: physical activity and health, motor behavior, physical education didactics, physical education, quality of life, sedentary behavior, sports training and physical preparation, leisure and recreation, sports management and sports psychology". It is aimed at physical activity professionals, physical education teachers, physical education pedagogy students, physical trainers, sports technicians and those interested in the sciences of physical activity.

ISSN: 0719-4013

Vol 25 No 1 (2024): Revista Ciencias de la Actividad Física UCM

Influence of time of day on performance in a battery of physical fitness tests in young university students

Influencia de la hora del día en el rendimiento en una batería de pruebas de aptitud física en jóvenes universitarios

Gabriel Pazetti-Baccili, Kauana Borges-Marchini, Pollyana Mayara-Nunhes, Mariana Ardengue, Helbert Lopes-Nunes, Ademar Avelar




Relationship between perceived physical fitness and self-reported anthropometric measures in university students

Relación entre la percepción de condición física y medidas antropométricas auto reportadas en estudiantes universitarios

Eduardo Guzmán-Muñoz, Carlo González-Cerpa, Carlos Olivares-Neira, Cristian Salazar-Orellana, Luisa F. Corredor-Serrano, Miguel Alarcón-Rivera




Physical self-concept, achievement motivation and attitudes towards Physical Education

Autoconcepto físico, motivación de logro y actitudes hacia la Educación Física

Juan I. Urrutia-Medina, Angélica Vera-Sagredo, Viviana Rodas-Kürten, Gustavo Pavez-Adasme, Pere Palou-Sampol, Felipe Poblete-Valderrama




Effects of a Multi-professional Intervention on Quality of Life of Women with Overweight or Obesity Post-Covid-19

A Pragmatic Trial

Efectos de una Intervención Multiprofesional sobre la Calidad de Vida de Mujeres con Sobrepeso u Obesidad post-Covid-19
Un Ensayo Pragmático

Jhemilly S. Araujo-Fernandes, Regiane de Paula, Maria L. Amaro-Camilo, Ana Flávia-Sordi, William Costa-Ferreira, Greice Westphal-Nardo, Nelson Nardo-Junior, Braulio H. Magnani-Branco




Effects of the corporeity program for the acquisition of basic motor skills in primary school students

Efectos del programa corporeidad para la adquisición de competencias motrices básicas en escolares de educación primaria

Janet Aguilar-Ozejo, Indalecio Mujica-Bermúdez




Analysis of the Bond of Users from Different Basic Health Units with Possible Diagnosis of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases during the Covid-19 Pandemic in a city in southern Brazil

Análisis del Vínculo de Usuarios de Distintas Unidades Básicas de Salud Con Posible Diagnóstico de Enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles Frente a la Pandemia del Covid-19 en el en una ciudad del sur de Brasil

Virgínia B. Nanuncio-Capucho, Regiane de-Paula, Letícia de-Almeida, Greice Westphal-Nardo, Nelson Nardo-Júnior, Bruno Ferrari, Braulio H. Magnani-Branco




Self-perception of citizenship competencies in physical education students in Santiago, Chile

Autopercepción de las competencias ciudadanas en estudiantes de educación física en Santiago de Chile

Jorge Castro-Vargas, Elizabeth Flores-Ferro, Sulay Largo-Esquivel, Bastián Maureira-Sánchez, Isabel Toledo-Román, Fernando Maureira-Cid




Personality Grit and anaerobic performance in american taekwondo athletes

Personalidad Grit y rendimiento anaeróbico en taekwondistas estadounidenses

Lynda Louise Laurin, Guillermo Andrés Sáez-Abello, Andrés Mauricio Ariza-Viviescas




Concepts and Assessement Practices in Initial Teacher Training for Physical Education

Concepciones y Prácticas Evaluativas en la Formación Inicial del Profesorado en Educación Física

Catalina Asenjo-Paredes, Francisco Gallardo-Fuentes, Bastian Carter-Thuillier, Sebastián Peña-Troncoso




Injury incidence in U18 female basketball players of FEMISUR-Chile League

Incidencia de lesiones en basquetbolistas femeninas U18 de Liga FEMISUR-Chile

Rayén Méndez-Rodríguez, Paolo Mansilla-Gutiérrez, Diego Oyarzún-Nenén, Jorge Flández-Valderrama, Manuel Monrroy-Uarac, Rubén Eduardo Gajardo-Burgos




Relationship between occupational stress and emotional skills among university professors in Physical Education

Relación del estrés laboral y habilidades emocionales en profesores/as universitarios/as de Educación Física

Gustavo Maureira-Roldán, Francisco Jería-Pérez, Fernando Maureira-Cid




Small-sided games in teaching the technical and tactical skills of basketball in children and adolescents

A systematic review

Juegos reducidos en la enseñanza de las habilidades técnicas y tácticas del baloncesto en niños y adolescentes
Una revisión sistemática

Matías López-Pérez, Gustavo Pavez-Adasme, Yesenia Olate-Pastén, Nicolás Gómez-Álvarez




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