Physical activity and triacylglycerols in adults born limache, V Region

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Carol Flores Rivera Patricia Bustos Muñoz Hugo Amigo Cartagena


The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between physical activity and triglycerides in plasma on two occasions, with an interval of 10 years between the evaluations. A cross-sectional study was performed of a sample of live births at Limache Hospital, Valparaíso Region, between 1974 and 1978 (n = 796) who were evaluated in 2000-2002 and in 2010-2012. The IPAQ physical activity questionnaire was applied, and triglycerides were determined by means of a blood sample taken with fasting of at least 8 hours. The median of triglycerides increased from 93.5 to 113 mg/dL, the same occurred with physical activity level (1188 to 1989 Mets/min/week) with higher values in men vs women, in both periods. In the second evaluation a decrease in triglycerides was observed in subjects that presented a high level of physical activity, but this association was not significant.

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How to Cite
Flores Rivera, C., Bustos Muñoz, P., & Amigo Cartagena, H. (2014). Physical activity and triacylglycerols in adults born limache, V Region. Revista Ciencias De La Actividad Física UCM, 15(2), 25-34. Retrieved from